Mattias Rost

Researcher and Coder



Vasiliki Mylonopoulou, Katerina Cerna, Alexandra Weilenmann, Mattias Rost, and Tobias Holmlund (2025) “In our world, calories are very important”- Experiences of Wheel-chair users with Spinal Cord Injury with commercial self-tracking technology and self-tracking: A qualitative interview study. JMIR Human Factors. 07/03/2025:65207

Claire Ingram Bogusz, Johan Magnusson, and Mattias Rost. (2025) Leave it to the Parents: How Hacktivism-as-Tuning Reconfigures Public Sector Digital Transformation. Government Information Quarterly 42 (1): Article 101996.


Anders Högberg, Marlize Lombard, Albin Högberg, Eva Iliefski-Janols, Gustaf Lindblad, Alexander Almér, William Hedley Thompson, Mattias Rost, Sebastian Andreasson, Alexander Wiig, Peter Gärdenfors (2024) Human socio-technical evolution through the lens of an abstracted-wheel experiment: A critical look at a micro-society laboratory study. PLOS ONE 19(11): e0310503.


Claes Strannegård, Mattias Rost, Niklas Engsner, Johan Lundin Kleberg, Mona Guath, and Ann Nordgren. 2023. Markov Games for Humans and Machines. In Proceedings of the 18th SweCog Conference, Göteborg, October 5–6, 2023, 73–76.

Mattias Rost and Sebastian Andreasson. (2023) Stable Walk: An interactive environment for exploring Stable Diffusion outputs. In Joint Proceedings of the ACM IUI Workshops 2023, March 2023, Sydney, Australia.


Rebecca Finne, Lisa Larsson, Vasiliki Mylonopoulou, Sebastian Andreasson, Tove Hjelm, Mattias Rost, Alexandra Weilenmann, and Olof Torgersson. 2022. Reversed Multi-Layer Design as an Approach to Designing for Digital Seniors. In Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference (NordiCHI '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 5, 1–12.

Mohammad Obaid, Kıvanç Tatar, Mikael Wiberg, Alan Said, Mattias Rost, Alexandra Weilenmann, Wafa Johal, and Friederike Eyssel. 2022. Social Drones for Health and Well-being. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2022 Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference (NordiCHI '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 14, 1–4.

Vasiliki Mylonopoulou, Alexandra Weilenmann, Sandra Buratti, Olof Torgersson, and Mattias Rost. 2022. A Socioecological Approach to ICT Use by Adults over 65 and its Implication on Design. In 25th International Academic Mindtrek conference (Academic Mindtrek 2022). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 203–218.


Yavuz Inal, Frode Guribye, Dorina Rajanen, Mikko Rajanen, and Mattias Rost. 2020. Perspectives and Practices of Digital Accessibility: A Survey of User Experience Professionals in Nordic Countries. Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 63, 1–11. DOI:


Martin Podlubny, John Rooksby, Mattias Rost, and Matthew Chalmers. (2017) Synchronous Text Messaging: A Field Trial of Curtains Messenger. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 1, 2, Article 86 (November 2017), 20 pages.


Mattias Rost, John Rooksby, Alexandra Weilenmann, Thomas Hillman, Pål Dobrin, Juan Ye. (2016) Mobile Wellbeing. In Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. (Workshop Proposal)

Rooksby J, Asadzadeh P, Rost M, Morrison A, and Chalmers M. (2015) Personal Tracking of Screen Time on Digital Devices. To appear in proceedings of CHI 2016. 7th-12th May, 2016, San Jose, USA.

Mattias Rost, Christos Kitsos, Alexander Morgan, Martin Podlubny, Pietro Romeo, Edoardo Russo, Matthew Chalmers. (2016) Forget-me-not: History-less Mobile Messaging. To appear in proceedings of CHI 2016. 7th-12th May, 2016, San Jose, USA.(Honorable mention)

Virtanen, S., Rost, M., Morrison, A., Chalmers, M., and Girolami, M. (2016) Uncovering smartphone usage patterns with multi-view mixed membership models. In STAT 2049-1537,

Oana Andrei, Muffy Calder, Matthew Chalmers, Alistair Morrison, and Mattias Rost (2016) Probabilistic Formal Analysis of App Usage to Inform Redesign. In proceedings of iFM 2016.

Femke van Nassau, Hidde P. van der Ploeg, Frank Abrahamsen, Eivind Andersen, Annie S. Anderson, Judith E. Bosmans, Christopher Bunn, Matthew Chalmers, Ciaran Clissmann, Jason M. R. Gill, Cindy M. Gray, Kate Hunt, Judith G.M. Jelsma, Jennifer G. La Guardia, Pierre N. Lemyre, David W. Loudon, Lisa Macaulay, Douglas J. Maxwell, Alex McConnachie, Anne Martin, Nikos Mourselas, Nanette Mutrie, Ria Nijhuis-van der Sanden, Kylie O’Brien, Hugo V. Pereira, Matthew Philpott, Glyn C. Roberts, John Rooksby, Mattias Rost, Øystein Røynesdal, Naveed Sattar, Marlene N. Silva, Marit Sorensen, Pedro J. Teixeira, Shaun Treweek, Theo van Achterberg, Irene van de Glind, Willem van Mechelen and Sally Wyke. (2016) Study protocol of European Fans in Training (EuroFIT): a four-country randomised controlled trial of a lifestyle program for men delivered in elite football clubs. BMC Public HealthBMC series – open, inclusive and trusted201616:598
DOI: 10.1186/s12889-016-3255-y


Rooksby, J., Smith, T., Morrison, A., Rost, M. and Chalmers, M. (2015) Configuring Attention in the Multiscreen Living Room. In proceedings of ECSCW 2015, 19th - 23rd September, Oslo.

Rooksby, J., Rost, M., Morrison, A. and Chalmers, M. (2015) Pass the Ball: Enforced Turn Taking in Activity Tracking. In Proceedings of CHI'15, Seoul, South Korea.

Rost, M., Rooksby, J., and McCallum, C. (2015) FITtogether: An 'Average' Fitness Tracker. Workshop position paper for the workshop on "Beyond Personal Informatics" at CHI 2015, Seoul, South Korea.

Virtanen, S., Rost, M., Higgs, M., Morrison, A., Chalmers, M. and Girolami, M. (2015) Nonparametric Bayes to Infer Playing Strategies Adopted in a Population of Mobile Gamers. In STAT 2049-1573,


Rooksby, J., Rost, M., Morrison, A. and Chalmers, M. (2014) Personal Tracking as Lived Informatics. In Proceedings of CHI'14, Toronto, Canada. (Honorable mention)


Bell M, Chalmers M, Fontaine L, Higgs M, Morrison A, Rooksby J, Rost M, Sherwood S. (2013) Experiences in Logging Everyday App Use. Proc DE2013 – Open Digital, Fourth RCUK All Hands Digital Economy Conference, Salford UK.

Rost, M. and Morrison, A. (2013) Forking Appropriations: Informing New Designs Through Analysis of Sub-Populations. Presented at Workshop on Informing Future Design via Large-Scale Research Methods and Big Data at MobileHCI 2013.

Rost, M., Morrison, A., Cramer, H. and Bentley, F. (2013) Informing future design via large-scale research methods and big data. (Workshop abstract) In Proceedings of MobileHCI 2013.

Rost, M. (2013) Mobility is the Message: Experiments with Mobile Media SharingDoctoral thesis in Man-Machine Interaction, Stockholm University, Sweden.

Rost, M., Barkhuus, L., Cramer, H. and Brown, B. (2013) Representation and communication: Challenges in interpreting large social media datasets. In Proceedings of CSCW’13, Feb 23-27, San Antonio, Texas. (Nominated for Best paper)


Poppinga, B., Cramer, H., Böhmer, M., Morrison, A., Bentley, F., Henze, N., Rost, M., & Michahelles, F. (2012) 3rd workshop on Research in the Large, Workshop description, Extended Abstract MobileHCI’12, San Francisco, USA.


Cramer, H., Rost, M., and Bentley, F. (2011) 2nd Workshop on Research in the Large, Workshop description in extended abstacts of UbiComp’11, Beijing, China.

Cramer, H., Rost, M., and Bentley, F. (2011) An introduction to Research in the Large. Guest Editorial Preface/Introduction Article to ecial Issue on ‘Research in the Large’ of the International Journal of Mobile Human-Computer Interaction.

Cramer, H., Rost, M., and Holmquist L. E. (2011). Performing a Check-in: Emerging Practices, Norms and ‘Conflicts’ in Location-Sharing Using Foursquare. In proceedings of MobileHCI’11, Stockholm, Sweden.

Cramer, H., Rost, M., Holmquist, L. E. (2011) Services as
Materials: Using Mashups for Research, In the  workshop on Research in the Large at UbiComp’11, Beijing, China. (Workshop paper)

Rost, M., Cramer, H., and Holmquist, L. E. (2011). Mobile exploration of geotagged photographs. In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. Doi: 10.1007/s00779-011-0433-x

Chalmers, M., McMillan, D., Morrison, A., Cramer, H., Rost, M. and Mackay, W. (2011) Ethics, Logs and Videotape: Ethics in Large Scale User Trials and User Generated Content. Extended Abstract & Workshop organised at CHI 2011, Vancouver, Canada.


Büttner, S., Cramer, H., Rost, M., Belloni, N., and Holmquist, L. E. (2010) φ²: Exploring physical Check-Ins for Location-Based Services. In proceedings of UbiComp’10, September 26–29, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark. 

Cramer, H., Rost, M., Belloni, N., Chincholle, D. and Bentley, F. (2010) Research in the large: Using App Stores, Markets and other wide distribution channels in UbiComp research. Extended Abstracts UbiComp 2010, September 26–29, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark. 

Rost, M., Cramer H., Belloni, N., and Holmquist, L. E. (2010) Geolocation in the Mobile Web Browser. In proceedings of UbiComp’10, September 26–29, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark. 

Ruixue, X., Rost, M., and Holmquist, L. E. (2010) Business Models in the Mobile Ecosystem.. In Proceedings of International Conference on Mobile Business, Global Mobility Roundtable, June 13-15, Athens, Greece. 

Cramer, H., Belloni, N., and Rost, M. (2010) On not being a stranger: Making sense of the sociable media landscape. To be presented at the 'Designing and Evaluating Affective Aspects of Sociable Media to Support Social Connectedness' workshop at CHI 2010, Atlanta, GA, USA. (Workshop paper)

Lundin, J., Lymer, G., Holmquist, L. E., Brown, B., and Rost, M. (2010) Integrating students' mobile technology in higher education. In Int. J. Mobile Learning and Organisation, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2010


Rost, M, and Belloni, N. (2009) Experiencing Mobile 2.0 with Context-Aware Applications. In MobileHCI 2009 workshop on "Context-Aware Mobile Media and Mobile Social Networks", MobileHCI 2009, 15-18 September 2009, Bonn, Germany. (Workshop paper)

Rost, M. and Holmquist, L. E. (2009) Tools For Students Doing Mobile Fieldwork. In Multiplatform E-Learning Systems and Technologies: Mobile Devices for Ubiquitious ICT-based Education (ed. Goh), ch. 13. pp. 215-228


Rost, M (2008) Interacting With Shared Displays: A Preliminary Study of Ubiquitous Graphics. In CSCW 2008 workshop on "Beyond the Laboratory: Supporting Authentic Collaboration with Multiple Displays", CSCW 2008, November 8-12, San Diego, USA. (Workshop paper)

Rost, M., Bergstrand, F., Håkansson, M., and Holmquist, L. E. (2008) Columbus: Physically Exploring Geo-tagged Photos. In adjunct proceedings of UbiComp 2008, September 22-25, Seoul, South Korea.


Brown, B., Lundin, J., Rost, M., Lymer, G., and Holmquist, L. E. (2007) Seeing ethnographically: Teaching ethnography as part of CSCW. In Proceedings of ECSCW 2007, 10th European Conference on Computer-Supoorted Collaborative Work, Limerick, Ireland. September 24-28, 2007

Håkansson, M., Rost, M., and Holmquist, L. E. (2007) Gifts from friends and strangers: A study of mobile music sharing. In Proceedings of ECSCW 2007, 10th European Conference on Computer-Supoorted Collaborative Work, Limerick, Ireland. September 24-28, 2007.

Lymer, G., Lundin, J., Brown, B., Rost, M., and Holmquist, L. E. (2007) Web based platforms in lo-located practice - The use of a wiki as support for learning and instruction. In Proceedings of CSCL 2007, July 16-21, New Brunswick, USA.

Håkansson, M., Rost, M., Jacobsson, M., and Holmquist, L. E. (2007) Facilitating Mobile Music Sharing and Social Interaction with Push!Music. In Proceedings of HICSS-40 2007, Hawaii, USA, January 3-6, 2007 


Rost, M., Jacobsson, M., and Holmquist, L. E. (2006) Push!Photo: Informal Photo Sharing in Ad-Hoc Networks. In adjunct proceedings of UbiComp 2006, Orange County, USA.

Jacobsson, M., Rost, M., and Holmquist, L. E. (2006) When Media Gets Wise: Collaborative Filtering with Mobile Media Agents. In Proceedings of IUI 2006, the 10th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, February 2006, Sydney, Australia


Rost, M., Gaye, L., Håkansson, M., Ljungblad, S., and Holmquist, L. E. (2005) Context Photography on Camera Phones. In adjunct proceedings of UbiComp 2005. September 11—14,Tokyo, Japan

Jacobsson, M., Rost, M., Håkansson, M., and Holmquist, L. E. (2005) Push!Music: Intelligent Music Sharing on Mobile Devices. In adjunct proceedings of UbiComp 2005. September 11—14, Tokyo, Japan